Monday 27 April 2015

On Vacation - See You Guys Next Week!

Hey everyone, I'm going on vacation for a week (a little less than a week), so I won't be posting, but be ready for the next post next Monday!

Friday 24 April 2015

Bing Rewards: Updated Post - What Rewards Are There, Really? (Detailed Review)

 It's Find Free Funds Friday! Not many people know or use Bing Rewards, but the question is: Is this because it is bad for making money, or is it just not known enough? Let's see (sign up here, strategies here):
           Bing Rewards is a fairly simple earning website, with a currency called Credits. Each credit values at approximately 1 cent  nothing, due to every account being banned as soon as an attempt is made at redeeming rewards. Onto the review.

Red Links are unrecommended and possibly unsafe.

Payout relative to Time Spent:  0/10 (✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰)

A Reward
           Although the methods of earning are fairly simple (searching, "exploring", referring) and quick, they pay very little; earlier stated, each credit is worth approximately 1 cent, and you are limited to about 3 credits from exploring and 15 credits from searching PC, 10 from searching mobile (can stack to make 25), making it a maximum of 28 credits daily. Every 2 searches earns 1 credit, so if we do the math, 15 * 2 + 10 * 2 = 50 searches, and if each search takes 10 seconds to finish loading, that's 500 seconds = 8:20. That may not seem like a lot of time, but that is just for 28 credits. The cheapest prizes (besides sweepstakes) are about 475 Credits, so that requires 475 / 28 = 16.9, which means it takes 17 days to earn enough for a $5 prize. That is quite a long time, and if we calculate actual minutes spent, that's 500 * 17 seconds = 8500 seconds, which equals 141:40 = 2:21:40 over 17 days just for $5. However,  it is still fairly quick to do daily, since you can just type in "a", "b", "c", etc, for searches, Bing Rewards does not pay, but rather bans your account for trying to get rewards. Thus, Bing Rewards gets a 0/10 for Payout vs. Time Spent.

Convenience:  0/10 (✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰)

Home page
            Bing Rewards has a nice and easy layout to use, and it is very easy to figure out what you're doing, how to earn, how much you're earning, etc. There is also not much on the page, so it is fast navigating around. However, the explorations open new tabs, which can cause slow loading, and the page loads anew every search you make, which can be annoying if you want to finish it fast (I certainly do). Overall, its layout is nice and easy but it can be slow going for us users, earning it a 7/10 for Convenience. Bing Rewards does not pay: 0/10.

Variety:  0/10 (✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰)

Web Search
             Bing Rewards is fairly simple, if anything; this holds true for the methods of earning credits for prizes. Can't really blame them for the lack of variety, since there really are only so many ways to reward people for searching. However, for people looking to earn money with a large spectrum of options, this is not for you. It can, on the other hand, work fairly well for anyone who doesn't have much time (me after writing this blog!). For these reasons, Bing Rewards gets a 3/10 for Variety. Bing Rewards does not pay: 0/10.

Demands/Requirements:  0/10 (✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰)

             There is practically no software requirement aside from that you have access to the internet (you wouldn't be reading this without it). Any device can run it and earn a decent amount of money, but there is one setback: you are limited by whether you have BOTH mobile and PC or not. To make the most, you need both. In addition, searching much can be taxing on your computer. Overall, it still has very few requirements, so Bing Rewards gets an 8/10 for Demands/Requirements. Bing Rewards does not pay: 0/10.

Overall Rating:  0/10 (✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰)

The overall rating for Bing Rewards is a 0/10, equaling the average of the four categories due to it not even paying.

Thanks for reading, and you can sign up for FREE here!

Strategies can be found here!

Thanks for reading, and I hope you will share this with friends so that they too can learn what sites to use and what sites to avoid!

Wednesday 22 April 2015

No Post Today

It's Wacky Wednesday; I apologize for there being no post, as I have not been able to find time today. I will make sure to post tomorrow and next Wednesday. Sorry again!

Tuesday 21 April 2015

6 Simple Quick Ways to Get More Buyers For Your Fiverr Gig - Boost Your Sales!

It's Tips and Tricks Tuesday! Here's some simple and quick ways to make more at Fiverr!
          Fiverr is a nice and convenient way to make money doing things you're good at, such as graphic design, programming, math, drawing, talking, or anything like that. Each gig starts at a base of $5 (with a pretty high tax from Fiverr), up to a pretty high limit ($300 I think) from gig extras. These you determine, as well as pretty much everything else. However, getting people to buy your gig? That's a whole different issue that everyone encounters as they start out. Getting buyers can take weeks, often months. Here are some ways to speed up that process and get your gigs more views and buys! (Sign up here)

1. Offer a Little Extra

          There are definitely no lack of gigs on Fiverr. You want to catch people's attention? (At least when beginning) Put something extra that others don't provide in your title, so yours seems like the best deal. For example, if you're offering to edit a video, and everyone's offering for 10 minutes, make yours 15 or 20, at least when starting out. People will naturally look for the best deal. This will help you start out significantly.

2. Spread The Word on Social Media

          Social media is, if not the best, one of the best tools for sharing anything, and that includes marketing such as Fiverr. You don't need too many friends or followers, just post it on some communities, and get your friends to share it too, even if it takes lots of nagging until they finally do it. It will massively boost viewers and get you some buyers too, if you get enough viewers that are looking for what you're selling.

3. Use Effective Visuals

          This is pretty straightforward; put something catchy as your image, and make a high quality video. You'll seem more professional and people will want to buy your gig. Have a video including yourself talking (hopefully in a professional setting). Doing his will create a more personal connection and get you more sales. Catching people's eyes is important in writing, and is also important here, in business.

4. Make Your Title Short And To The Point

          No one wants to read a terribly long title like "I will do editing on any video on any subject as long as it is within 10 minutes and does not contain more than 15 clips". Make it short and quick so people can tell what you're going to do while skimming and discover whether it's what they want or not. People often skim (in fact, almost always) when there are a lot of choices. If your title is too long, no one will read the whole thing, and probably won't check it out. You can also do some deceptive wording to get more viewers, but it probably won't help sales much if at all. 

5. Tell Your Readers What You Offer; All of it

          In your description, write out what you offer, and bold/highlight/bullet the most important points so your readers are directed to the advantages of your service are. Try not to mention your disadvantages too much, and the reason behind that is obvious.

6. Do Some SEO Work

          Use the best tags, ones that people would actually check, and optimize your gig for searches. Use keywords to do this. In addition, having a video is very important for getting views, at least on Fiverr. More views obviously means more purchases. This strategy works for practically any marketing, and remains true in this case as well.

          You can sign up here, and check out my gig here!

          As always, thanks for reading and I hope you will share this with your friends so that they can also make more money off of Fiverr and other websites!

Monday 20 April 2015

Fiverr: How Much Can You Make? $5 or More? (Detailed Review)

It's Mone Making Monday! Here's a review on Fiverr!
          Many of us have some sort of special talent or a hobby that we're very good at. Fiverr is a great place to make some money off of those talents and abilities. Each "gig", which is a small service you can do, will pay "$5", which in reality if closer to $4 or less, since they tax it. People can see your gig, and it's pretty easy to set up. You can sign up here, and get a free gig, a value of $5! Onto the review:

Check out my gig here!

Payout relative to Time Spent:  3/10 (★★★✰✰✰✰✰✰✰)

          It may seem very easy to make money, without much effort, since each gig pays "$5", but there are many setbacks to this service. First, it's very well known, so there is most certainly no lack of competition, meaning it is difficult to get your gig many views unless you have a bunch of followers/friends on some social network. That's views, not even purchases, which can be very difficult since many others compete for the best gig. It takes a while to get any views, much less purchases. On top of that, Fiverr taxes your revenue by an astonishingly high amount, according to most users, taking away $1+ of your $5. Of course, you can have gig extras where people pay more for a little more, but those are also taxed highly. It is very difficult to make much off this website unless you are one of the top sellers. They do pay out though. Because of these reasons, Fiverr gets a 3/10 for Payout vs. Time Spent.

Convenience:  7/10 (★★★★★★★✰✰)

          Fiverr has a great layout, and an overall convenient setup. However, there are limits to what you can add, such as how many gig extras or how many you can sell at one time, unless you spend a lot of time to get to higher levels, as they are called. It is not very restricting, so it's not a big deal. Also, statistics update maybe once daily, so it takes a while to actually see if your gig got views. In addition, there have been some issues with uploading videos, but those have been client side. In general, there is little hindrance, so Fiverr gets a 7/10 for convenience.

Variety:  10/10 (★★★★★★★★★★)

          There is absolutely no limit on what you can do. It's all up to your imagination, and you choose what you want to sell and how to sell it. They of course screen to make sure you're not posting inappropriate stuff or just terrible content (for example, things not even related to Fiverr or gigs, etc.), but otherwise they have many categories, including a category for "other". You can offer to do people's math homework, make a video, play an instrument, etc. Since there are no setbacks here, Fiverr gets a 10/10 for Variety.

Demands/Requirements:  8/10 (★★★★★★✰✰)

          There are two small requirements. One is that you have the time (i. e. you deliver your product on time, which you can set up to 30 days), and the other is that you have some sort of skill, which is not difficult to achieve. Because of this, Fiverr gets an 8/10 for Demands/Requirements.

Overall Rating:  7/10 (★★★★★★★✰✰)

          The overall rating for Fiverr is a 7/10, agreeing with the average of the four categories, due to it's convenience, variety and how there are practically no demands placed aside from delivering your product. It can be done online or in person, but they tax very highly (of course, not as high as the government, but that aside) and it only pays $5 per gig, unless you have extras.

          You can sign up here for a free gig worth $5, and I will post strategies for this site tomorrow!

          Thanks as usual, and I hope you will share this with friends so that they can also make easy money online!

Saturday 18 April 2015

3 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Earn More From Surveys - No Extra Time Needed!

It's Super Strategies Saturday! Here are some easy ways to earn more from surveys!
          Many of the free money websites out there use surveys as their main free source of earning. However, with all the people using the services and the lack of infinite surveys, people often do not qualify, and waste time trying to qualify (maybe 5-10 minutes just to be told that they need diversity, so you didn't qualify). Here are some surprisingly simple ways to earn more from doing surveys and not waste your time!

1. Do Surveys That Pay The Most

Image result for lots of money
          This is pretty much counting how much money vs. how much time it'll take. You don't want to be spending half an hour for $0.25 (I did that once on accident and wasn't even paid for spending over a half an hour). It isn't difficult; just divide payout by time estimated (Swagbucks has this feature as well as some other websites), if possible, or just do the ones with highest payout and highest acceptance rate/payout percentage. It will increase your earnings quite a bit, and it really is simple and pretty straightforward.

2. Be Selective

          When doing surveys, it isn't hard to start guessing at what answers they're looking for (in terms of qualification). For example, if they ask you if you own a car from a certain brand, they're obviously not looking for people who don't own a car at all. From these kind of questions, you can determine already if you should try qualifying. If it's on a topic you hardly know, don't bother; you'll just waste more time. On the other hand, if it's on a topic that you're different from others, then go for it, you have a much better chance of qualifying (Or you can lie, but you're not allowed to do that so don't). You'll be guaranteed to get more out of the same amount of time.

3. Use Services That Pay Out Well and Consistently

          This is slightly similar to tip #1, but it's imperative you use a website/app that pays well and consistently. It ensures that you won't waste your time on a bad website/app. The best sites pay out better than others, and you can check out which ones would work best here.

          With these 3 tips, I can guarantee that you'll be earning more from essentially the same amount of time spent no surveys!

          As always, thanks for reading and I hope you will share this with your friends so that they too can earn more for their time!