It's Mone Making Monday! Here's a review on
Many of us have some sort of special talent or a hobby that we're very good at.
Fiverr is a great place to make some money off of those talents and abilities. Each "gig", which is a small service you can do, will pay "$5", which in reality if closer to $4 or less, since they tax it. People can see your gig, and it's pretty easy to set up. You can sign up
and get a free gig, a value of $5! Onto the review:
Payout relative to Time Spent: 3/10 (★★★✰✰✰✰✰✰✰)

It may seem very easy to make money, without much effort, since each gig pays "$5", but there are many setbacks to this service. First, it's very well known, so there is most certainly no lack of competition, meaning it is difficult to get your gig many views unless you have a bunch of followers/friends on some social network. That's views, not even purchases, which can be very difficult since many others compete for the best gig. It takes a while to get any views, much less purchases. On top of that, Fiverr taxes your revenue by an astonishingly high amount, according to most users, taking away $1+ of your $5. Of course, you can have gig extras where people pay more for a little more, but those are also taxed highly. It is very difficult to make much off this website unless you are one of the top sellers. They do pay out though. Because of these reasons, Fiverr gets a
3/10 for Payout vs. Time Spent.
Convenience: 7/10 (★★★★★★★✰✰✰)

Fiverr has a great layout, and an overall convenient setup. However, there are limits to what you can add, such as how many gig extras or how many you can sell at one time, unless you spend a lot of time to get to higher levels, as they are called. It is not very restricting, so it's not a big deal. Also, statistics update maybe once daily, so it takes a while to actually see if your gig got views. In addition, there have been some issues with uploading videos, but those have been client side. In general, there is little hindrance, so Fiverr gets a
7/10 for convenience.
Variety: 10/10 (★★★★★★★★★★)
There is absolutely no limit on what you can do. It's all up to your imagination, and you choose what you want to sell and how to sell it. They of course screen to make sure you're not posting inappropriate stuff or just terrible content (for example, things not even related to Fiverr or gigs, etc.), but otherwise they have many categories, including a category for "other". You can offer to do people's math homework, make a video, play an instrument, etc. Since there are no setbacks here, Fiverr gets a 10/10 for Variety.
Demands/Requirements: 8/10 (★★★★★★★★✰✰)
There are two small requirements. One is that you have the time (i. e. you deliver your product on time, which you can set up to 30 days), and the other is that you have some sort of skill, which is not difficult to achieve. Because of this, Fiverr gets an 8/10 for Demands/Requirements.
Overall Rating: 7/10 (★★★★★★★✰✰✰)

The overall rating for Fiverr is a
7/10, agreeing with the average of the four categories, due to it's convenience, variety and how there are practically no demands placed aside from delivering your product. It can be done online or in person, but they tax very highly (of course, not as high as the government, but that aside) and it only pays $5 per gig, unless you have extras.
You can sign up
here for a free gig worth $5, and I will post strategies for this site tomorrow!
Thanks as usual, and I hope you will share this with friends so that they can also make easy money online!
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