Weekly Schedule of Posts

          I am very excited to announce a schedule for posting of strategies, reviews, and other ways to make and save money! It is as follows (not necessarily going to be strictly followed, but I will try my best to do it, subject to change):

*Underlined and italicized days correspond (underlined ones correspond to each other, italicized ones correspond to each other)
  • Monday: Money Making Monday
  • Tuesday: Tips and Tricks Tuesday
  • Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday
  • Thursday: Tranquil Thursday
  • Friday: Find Free Funds Friday
  • Saturday: Super Strategies Saturday
  • Sunday: Sunny Day Sunday

  •  Money Making Monday: Website review, detailed look at potential earnings.
  •  Tips and Tricks Tuesday: Strategies for website in Monday post.
  •  Wacky Wednesday: A post that may be strange but will be useful/interesting.
  •  Thrifty Thursday: A tranquil day; no post (maybe a miscellaneous post).
  •  Find Free Funds Friday: Website review, detailed look at potential earnings.
  •  Super Strategies Saturday: Strategies for website in Friday post.
  •  Sunny Day Sunday: Enjoy the day (hopefully it's sunny!); no post (maybe a miscellaneous post).


  1. I like this blog. Don't you think it's hard work, and possibly draining, trying to work out what's worthwhile getting involved with, and what's not? There is most certainly a limit to the amount of survey sites I wish to be involved with, and I trust those who say they pay for every survey, rather than all this £2 a survey. Usually info always gets back to surveys, market research and mystery shopping, which in my view all have a limited potential.

    Have you done, or are you about to do a topic about product testing? It seems like a cool idea. However it won't save much money if all you get is a deoderant or a pen to try out lol.

    1. Thank you very much for your appreciation! It is quite a chore to find out what's good and what's not, especially while trying to do other things! I completely agree regarding these sites, I currently use only 2 consistently, one of which takes almost no effort, because there just isn't time to see which of the "great offers" actually pay.

      Product testing is a nice idea, and I'm thinking about it, but I currently do not know all that much about those services, and at least with my experiences, don't find them very interesting. I've only tried one or two, and I don't think they paid, at least not the one I remember XD


Post suggestions, questions, thoughts, etc. here.