It's Super Strategies Saturday! Here's some strategies for having your articles read and bought!
You've all written something before, whether it's a real full scale article, a love letter, or even just a simple elementary school assignment. The feeling afterwards is great, and you want everyone to see that work you were so proud of. Unfortunately, not everyone is interested; there are many people writing out there. I will be giving you 5 very simple ways to have your articles read and bought.
1. Write About Something You're Passionate About
Everyone has to be passionate over something, whether it's the justice system, voting rights, civil unions, anything that you feel strongly about and must express your opinion over. The reason why? When you write on something you don't care about, it just sounds different (unless you're just that great a writer, but this isn't for those people), less intriguing for the reader because there won't be as much emotion. When you write on something you're passionate about, everything comes out naturally (faster) and it sounds more sincere. This is very important for your articles.
2. Target the Right Audience With Your Article

3. Optimize the Article's Title

4. Have Great Content
This one is very straightforward. To have people want to share it with friends or to buy your article, it must have good compelling content. Read it yourself a few times, get the feel of it and see if it's good. Read it from an objective view, or you won't have a very accurate idea of your article.
5. Share it with Friends and Have Them Share it Too

As always, thanks for reading and I hope you will share this with your friends if you enjoyed! Good luck with your writing!
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